BlockchainNZ News

BlockchainNZ’s 2020 wrap up

The festive season is almost upon us but blockchain developments do not show any sign of slowing. Recent blockchain adoption and development include: Bermuda’s plan to create a stable coin blockchain’s continued use in supply chains, both within New Zealand and internationally. Details on these stories and more below. Last week, the Data Intelligence Special … Continue reading "BlockchainNZ’s 2020 wrap up"
BlockchainNZ News

The last quarter and the road ahead: Governance and passion projects

Thanks to all of you who have participated in the survey that was circulated recently asking about your or your organisation’s interests in  blockchain technology, and the issues, obstacles and challenges faced in relation to blockchain. We have used the information provided to us wisely to set the strategy for Blockchain’s 2020-2021 activities, in order to … Continue reading "The last quarter and the road ahead: Governance and passion projects"
BlockchainNZ News

Interesting updates in the blockchainnz world

Thank you to everyone who has nominated themselves or their colleagues for election to the BlockchainNZ Executive Council. Establishing an Executive Council will be a significant milestone in BlockchainNZ’s history, and we are very appreciative of your time and effort throughout this election process. We are pleased to confirm that we have an exceptionally high calibre … Continue reading "Interesting updates in the blockchainnz world"
BlockchainNZ News

Blockchain in uncertain times

What a very different landscape this is since our last newsletter. With everyone at the beginning of lockdown for who knows how long, we are all very thankful that we can at least remain connected through technology.
BlockchainNZ News

Blockchain in a new decade

Welcome to the new decade; let’s see what Blockchain has in store and how it will continue to evolve and grow. We are kicking the year off with our first two events, in partnership with FinTechNZ What place does this new technology have in modern financial services? If you are planning to attend please register now. Auckland on … Continue reading "Blockchain in a new decade"