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Blockchain New Zealand – April news

As we head into the second quarter of the year, what better way to kick it off than with an Easter break. Here’s hoping everyone had a chance to rest and recharge for what seems to be an interesting few months ahead.

Some key events have dominated the global blockchain space of late, with perhaps the biggest news being Coinbase. This is a definite milestone where the listing on the NASDAQ was seen as the latest step toward cryptocurrencies gaining wider acceptance among traditional capital markets. The listing may have motivated Bitcoin reaching a new all time high above US$63,000.

The Berlin Hard Fork is also live on Ethereum which incorporates four Ethereum Improvement Proposals such as improving gas prices and allowing new transaction types.

As DeFi and NFTs continue to make headlines it is fascinating to see why traditional banks are embracing DeFi to catch challenger banks.

Closer to home, KiwiSaver fund enters the bitcoin era. Perhaps the Ruscoe v Cryptopia High Court decision has given more investors comfort that digital assets are capable of being property under New Zealand law? Rival KiwiSaver providers are still hesitant and taking a wait and see approach but as they say, fortune favours the bold.
On the regulatory front, Blockchain NZ is liaising with IDAXA over the joint submission on the draft FATF guidance for VAs & VASPs. We are also continuing our work with NZ banks and regulators around the challenges closer to home, so thank you to everyone who is participating in this project.

BlockchainNZ members are invited to express their interest in a potential new series of educational workshops run by BlockchainNZ, on how governing bodies and senior management should start thinking about blockchain for their organisation. Express your interest in attending a workshop by emailing us at

Lastly, BlockchainNZ is running another members only workshop How VASPs’ access to banking services in New Zealand can be improved on Friday, 14 May, 2 – 4pm via Zoom. The last workshop was very productive, with valuable input from AML/CFT supervisors, government agencies and several New Zealand banks, along with BlockchainNZ members Stephen Macaskill, Janine Grainger and Bryan Ventura. Members can save this Zoom link for the 14 May workshop.

Lots of things are happening, so stay up to date, stay safe and stay crypto!

Nga mihi nui,

Sean Au, on behalf of the team at BlockchainNZ

News and Events

This month we chat with BlockchainNZ exec member John Mackie. Watch here…

Learn how NFT (Non Fungible Token) works and where they get their value from. Read more…

Coinbase spotlights Australia’s blockchain brain drain. Read more…

Elon Musk can’t seem to stay out of the news as he continues to tweet about Dodge. Read more…

Visa moves to allow payment settlements using cryptocurrency. Read more…

Australia offers $4.6M to blockchain pilots targeting mineral supply chain, food industry. Read more…

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BlockchainNZ We provide New Zealand businesses and individuals opportunities for connecting, promoting and advancing in all things blockchain, crypto and decentralisation. We believe that by working together and leveraging our globally recognised brand of trust and integrity, New Zealand can become a key player in the move to a decentralised global ecosystem.