What is a Blockchain?
A blockchain is a data structure with a unique set of properties suited to decentralized systems. The data in a blockchain is usually wrapped in a package called a block and when the network is updated with new information this block is linked to the previous update.
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What is a Cryptocurrency?
Today the term cryptocurrency refers to digital tokens that are represented on a blockchain such as bitcoin (lower-case b, BTC), or ether (from ethereum, ETH).
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What is Bitcoin?
This is intended to be an overview and if you are just learning about Bitcoin don’t be disuaded if the pieces seem disjointed or don’t fall into place quickly. (Learning is hard!)
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What is Ethereum?
An Ethereum is a blockchain with a built-in Turing-complete programming language, allowing anyone to write smart contracts and decentralized applications where they can create their own arbitrary rules for ownership, transaction formats and state transition functions.
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DeFi Part 1
Anything you can do at a bank, or an investment bank, or a hedge fund, or a stock exchange can be built in code and run on a blockchain. There are number of more practical reasons why someone would be interested in decentralised finace…
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DeFi Part 2
Here we’re going to start by looking at what happens when you can automate some of the behaviour witnessed in part 1.0. Eventually we’ll get to DeFi2.0 and discuss algorithmic coins, rebasing, and self-repaying loans..
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Why would tokens need an introduction you ask? Lets start with an example. In Auckland we need to put tags on our rubbish and recycling bins before they will be collected and emptied by the waste disposal folks. The tag is a token.
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NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and their varying and increasingly exciting uses are taking the blockchain world by storm. These little decentralised hashes have quite literally unlimited potential to shape everything from event ticketing to the development of web 3.0 and the metaverse.
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What are DAOs?
DAOs (decentralised autonomous organisations) are online-native decentralised organisations with self-enforcing rules, governed by their members, and use distributed ledger technology, such as blockchain. DAOs use distributed ledger technology, and often use third-party blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum.
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How To Install MetaMask?
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers step-by-step instructions on how to install MetaMask.
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How to transfer Ethereum
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers step-by-step instructions on how to transfer Ethereum.
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How to create an ERC20 Token
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers step-by-step instructions on how to create an ERC20 Token.
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How to create a DAO
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers step-by-step instructions on how to create a DAO.
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How to mint an NFT
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers step-by-step instructions on how to mint an NFT.
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How to write a message on the blockchain
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers step-by-step instructions on how to write a message on the blockchain.
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How do blockchain bridges work?
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers the discussion of blockchain bridges and how they work.
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Flavours of Tokens: Receiving Tokens on the Base Network
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers the discussion about receiving tokens on the base network.
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Making Decisions: How to use Snapshot
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers the discussion on how to use snapshot.
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Trezor and Ledger: How to Recover Your Crypto Wallet
Blockchain ABC’s: Virtual How-To Sessions | BlockchainNZ is delighted to present a recurring virtual how-to series, hosted by Sean Au, a seasoned blockchain expert and enthusiast. This session covers the discussion on how to recover your crypto wallet.
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