What is the International Review Group?
The International Review Group (IRG) is an advisory committee set up by Standards New Zealand.
In April 2018, New Zealand became a Participating (P) member of ISO/TC307. ISO is the International Organisation of Standardisation, with Technical Committee 307 focussing on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. Standards New Zealand has set up the IRG to act as New Zealand’s main liaison with ISO/TC307.
What does it do?
The primary purpose of the IRG is to advise Standards New Zealand regarding its voting on international standards and other documents produced by ISO/TC307.
Why do we need it?
The IRG helps to ensure that New Zealand views are considered when international standards on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies are developed. The goals of the group are:
- To ensure that New Zealand votes on blockchain and distributed ledger technology standards in a timely and informed way, and provides substantive expert comment where appropriate.
- To ensure that these votes represent a broad constituency.
- To ensure that the blockchain and distributed ledger technology community in New Zealand is well represented.
- To support New Zealand participation in ISO Working Groups, Work Items, and Projects.
- To actively promote New Zealand priorities.
Who is involved?
The group includes representatives from a range of organisations – both public sector and private sector.
Members include:
- Aaron McDonald, Centrality
- Adiraj Gupta, CryptoLaunchpad
- Dr Alan Litchfield, Auckland University of Technology
- Alexandra Sims, University of Auckland Business School
- Rohan Light, Decisv
- Sean Au, TalkCrypto
- Dr Steven Reeves, University of Waikato
- Wendy Kemp, Buddle Findlay
The convenor of the group is Wendy Kemp.
ISO/ TC 307 annual meeting 2019
TC307 meets formally once a year, in different countries, and brings together top experts from around the world to share and exchange ideas and discuss technical content and the application of international standards.
The next annual meeting will take place in London, 11-15 May 2020.
Where can I find out more?
- Information about TC307 is available from the ISO website.
- If you have a question about the IRG, please email team@blockchain.org.nz.