Auckland Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Meetup
A key pillar that stood out in our recent BlockchainNZ member survey is for BlockchainNZ to assist with collaboration in the industry and increase opportunities for the players in the blockchain space to network.
So, one of the passion projects for BlockchainNZ this year is to work on social meetups, and we are hoping that with an in-person meetup, there will be better opportunities for our members and blockchain enthusiasts to connect and network.
BlockchainNZ wishes to extend a warm invitation to all of its members and blockchain enthusiasts to meet on 24 March in person in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
Come and join us and other like-minded people to network and discuss:
- Your passion and interests for blockchain and cryptocurrency
- Any collaborative opportunities
- Obstacles or challenges faced by you in relation to blockchain or cryptocurrency
The Executive Council board members will be attending these events – we are looking forward to meeting you in person!
Hosted by Dasset