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Blockchain New Zealand and the New Year


As this is the first newsletter in the year for 2021, I would like to take this opportunity and wish everyone a great year ahead. We at BlockchainNZ are all excited to see how far blockchain technology will emerge this year.
To give a sense of what’s going on in the blockchain world and how the blockchain technology is expected to grow from financial systems, to crypto economy along with an example of how blockchain can truly support the food industry, we thought we would outline three quotes of the Blockchain 50 2021 as published on Forbes;

  • ‘Blockchain will fundamentally change financial systems in the next 10 to 15 years. A blockchain technology will be applied in many areas because it is about trust, credit, security – the security of data and the privacy of data’- Jack Ma, Cofounder of ANT group and founder of Alibaba.
  • ‘The crypto economy is what we are driving toward. It’s a new economy that starts off primarily online but it’s also accessible to people in emerging markets. It’s more global, it’s more fair, it’s more free and it’s more efficient’ – Brian Armstrong, Coinbase CEO and founder.
  • ‘By tracking hundreds of fresh food items, including leafy greens, meat and seafood on the blockchain, Walmart has made it easier to identify the origin of potentially contaminated products, a benefit to not only the retailer but also the FDA’ – Archana Sristy Walmart Senior Director, Software Engineering, Blockchain Platforms.

We have heard from our members that one of the most pressing issues facing the industry is lack of access to banking services. BlockchainNZ is running a collaborative session with Banks, Regulators and VASPs to discuss these issues, and how the parties can work together to resolve them. Watch this space for updates as we progress this forward.

We look forward to continuing to connect and learn with the Blockchain community in 2021 and hope you’ll join us.

Nga mihi nui,

Ann Ibrahim on behalf of the team at BlockChainNZ

News and Events

  • Keep an eye out for Crypto/blockchain meetups occurring across New Zealand with events in Hamilton and Christchurch scheduled for this month.
  • Entries for the NZ Hitech Awards are open until 8 March, get your nominations in now.
  • Join HackTāmaki, 26-28 March and help solve local real-world challenges put forward by Tāmaki businesses and community organisations.
  • Digital Identity NZ is looking for a new Executive Director do you know someone who fits the bill?

Please share our news and invite your team to subscribe here for their own free copy!

BlockchainNZ We provide New Zealand businesses and individuals opportunities for connecting, promoting and advancing in all things blockchain, crypto and decentralisation. We believe that by working together and leveraging our globally recognised brand of trust and integrity, New Zealand can become a key player in the move to a decentralised global ecosystem.