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Farewell from our Executive Director

Kia ora,

It is with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia that I announce my departure as the Executive Director of BlockchainNZ after a fulfilling three-year tenure. During this time, I’ve had the pleasure of leading our community through COVID and a bear market, with countless initiatives aimed at assisting Aotearoa in becoming a Web3 hub.

Reflecting on beginnings and endings, my journey to BlockchainNZ started with Techweek19, and has come full circle with hosting my last BlockchainNZ event during Techweek24.

This year’s event was particularly memorable, as we took a deep dive into the transformative roles of AI and blockchain. It was inspiring to see familiar faces Joanna O’Connor, Andy Higgs, and James Cochrane taking the floor to discuss how blockchain and AI are reshaping the future of technology. Our discussions highlighted not only the technical advancements but also the positive social changes these technologies are bringing. We explored practical examples and gained a glimpse of what the future might hold, especially for the marketing, brand promotion, and storytelling of local Web3 businesses in New Zealand.

I leave with a heart full of gratitude for the achievements our small but growing community has seen over the last three years and will no doubt continue to see during this bull market. I believe life is about embracing the paths that challenge and inspire us, and following this philosophy, I’m excited to pursue new adventures and take some time off to explore the world.

Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm, and contributions to our community during my time as Director.

The passion and drive within this community assure me that the future is bright and that the potential to create a decentralised Aotearoa is now in your hands.

Ngā mihi
Alison Mackie
Executive Director, Blockchain NZ

Read the full news here: Farewell from our Executive Director | May Newsletter

BlockchainNZ We provide New Zealand businesses and individuals opportunities for connecting, promoting and advancing in all things blockchain, crypto and decentralisation. We believe that by working together and leveraging our globally recognised brand of trust and integrity, New Zealand can become a key player in the move to a decentralised global ecosystem.