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MBIE Future of Business draft Long-term Insights Briefing

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment are pleased to share with you a copy of their draft Long Term Insights Briefing on the Future of Business for Aotearoa New Zealand. The draft Briefing presents two trends that they think will influence wellbeing and productivity in the future – purpose-led business and use of blockchain technology. You can find the draft Briefing at the link above ( 

How to contribute to the draft Briefing

MBIE are keen to hear your feedback to help improve the content of the Briefing before they submit it to Parliament later this year. There are a range of ways you can contribute:

-If you would like a meeting to discuss your ideas in person, please contact Meetings will be held online.

-MBIE are also holding two open online meetings. At these meetings they will present the draft insights and there will be time for discussion. To register, please contact

  • 10.30 am Wed 25 May
  • 2.30 pm Wed 15 June

-You can submit your feedback by downloading a submission form from the MBIE website

-Please submit your form to by 5 pm 24 June 2022.

What is a Long-term Insights Briefing?

Long-term Insights Briefings are a new type of document that must be produced by all Chief Executives in Government departments at least every three years. They aim to prompt thinking and spark debate by providing information about trends, risks and opportunities that may matter to New Zealand over the next 10 years and beyond, plus impartial analysis on ways future decision makers could respond. For more information on Long-term Insights Briefings, click here.

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